Do you like to gamble? Are you starting to worry that you may have a gambling problem? For many people, gambling is an enjoyable activity. However, the line between enjoyment and addiction is very thin. Gambling can be addictive, just like alcohol or drugs. Without treatment, gambling addiction can destroy your finances, your career, and even your family. Unfortunately, once addicted, it's very difficult to simply walk away. You'll probably need help to defeat your addiction. The first step, though, is recognizing that you have a problem. Here are four signs that you're addicted to gambling:
You can't stop. People who gamble for occasional entertainment are able to set a budget for themselves and stick to it. They establish a maximum amount they can lose and then they quit when they hit that number. Similarly, they're also able to take their winnings and walk away without regret.
Can you do that? Or do you gamble until you've spent your very last dollar? Do you feel a compulsive need to try and win back your losses? If so, you may have a serious gambling problem.
You hide your gambling. If you can't tell your spouse or other loved ones about it, then chances are good that you have a problem. Occasional gambling isn't something to feel ashamed about. If you feel shame about your gambling, then you probably already know that it's a problem. You just aren't ready to admit it. Facing the fact that it is a problem is the first step on the road to recovery.
You gamble even when you don't have the money. Rational gamblers don't bet money that they don't have. They view it as discretionary entertainment spending. If they don't have the money, they don't partake in it. Addicts, however, find any way possible to gamble. They skip paying bills. They take out cash advances, loans, and other forms of debt. They may even steal from friends, family, and loved ones. If you find yourself doing those kinds of things, then you probably have a problem.
Your friends and family are expressing concern. When you're addicted, you're often in so deep that it's hard to see things objectively. Your friends and family, on the other hand, may have a different view and may be able to see things for how they really are. If they're expressing concern, at least listen to their concerns. Don't just dismiss them out-of-hand. Consider the possibility that they may be right and have a sincere conversation with them about why they feel the way they do.
If any of these signs sound familiar, you may want to seek help. A gambling addiction recovery service, like Addictions Recovery Center, can help you understand the reasons behind your addiction and how to defeat it.