Regardless of how great your marriage is, depression can still impact your partner and the reasons behind the depression may be out of your control. But there are still things you can do to help your partner overcome this difficult period and receive the necessary treatment.

Getting Your Partner Treatment

Though you may feel like you know your spouse very well, you should still focus on getting your partner treatment. Depression has a biochemical component to it that can only be treated by a trained professional, so you will want to encourage your loved one to speak with a therapist. Unfortunately, because of the shame some feel over depression, you may need to contact your spouse's doctor separately to inform the doctor about the condition so he or she can recommend a therapist. If your spouse is unwilling to see a doctor for this reason, pressure your spouse to visit the doctor for a checkup. Ideally, you should drive your spouse to the doctor to make sure he or she goes.

Working On Your Relationship

Depression is often set off by environmental factors, but has an underlying genetic component. Therefore, it is important to know that it is not your fault, but by fixing unhealthy tendencies in your relationship, you may be able to help make your spouse's depression more manageable. Those who are depressed can often feel lonely because many friends and family members stop coming around due to the depression. Try to spend as much time with your partner as possible. Besides talking to a therapist, your spouse will need to talk to you about his or her feelings.

Building a Support Network

If your spouse has suicidal feelings, you will need help from others because you will not be able to be with your spouse constantly. Therefore, you will need to talk to your friends and family members about the depression. Consider agreeing with your friends and family to regularly create a system where you alternate when spending time with your spouse so he or she is never alone. You will also need someone to talk about your own feelings regarding the depression.

Monitoring Your Partner's Treatment

When your spouse has been prescribed a medication, he or she might become impatient and believe that the medicine is not working. Remind him or her that it takes time for the anti-depressants to build up before they achieve the desired effect. Also, double-check your spouse's medication-taking habits to ensure your partner is taking the right amount and regularly has refills.

To learn more about therapy, contact a company like Cancer Lifeline
