If your parent or child suffers from hearing loss in both ears, they may not feel comfortable during the holidays if they can't hear what others say. Instead of participate in the holiday activities, your loved one may disengage from them. You can make the holidays more enjoyable for your loved one with the tips below.

Seat Your Loved One at the Head of the Table

Because of your loved one's double hearing loss, they may not feel comfortable sitting between other guests or in the center of the table during dinner. Instead of placing your loved one in the center of the table, seat them at the head of the table. Your loved one now has a chance to read the lips of other guests without straining to hear during conversations or experiencing discomfort. 

Hearing loss affects the tissues of the ears that pick up and convey sound to the brain. However, some types of hearing loss may also cause a number of symptoms that bother your loved one, especially in large crowds or boisterous occasions. For example, if your loved one sits between two people who tend to talk loudly, the guests' voices may overwhelm your loved one.

A number of diseases and medical conditions affect the inner ear. Inner ear hearing loss can create a number of symptoms, such as vertigo and ringing of the ears. Sounds can seem louder than your loved one can stand. Your loved one may also develop headaches or problems concentrating on conversations because of their symptoms.

Sitting at the head of the table gives your loved one a chance to engage in conversations without feeling left out or ill.

Play Low Music Instead of Loud Music

Playing holiday music is one of the most festive activities of the season. But if the music is overwhelming to your loved one, they may not participate or sing with the other guests. Instead, play your music low or in the background this season.

Try to avoid songs that use loud ringing horns, bells and chimes that can increase your loved one's tinnitus. Your loved one may experience loud roaring, ringing and buzzing sounds in one or both ears because of the music. If you notice that your loved one seems quiet during music time, lower the volume to accommodate their hearing problems.

For more information about your loved one's hearing loss and making the holidays easier on them, contact an auditory specialist at a facility like The Hearing Clinic today.
