Getting stung by a bee is never a fun experience, but if you don't suffer from allergies from bees, you're mostly safe. That said, bee allergies can actually develop later in life when you're an adult. How do you know if this happens and why does it happen?
The Late Onset Of Bee Allergies Is Possible
While people may outgrow allergies as they age, allergies can actually begin later in life, unexpectedly. This is true of bee sting allergies, which are typically inherited from parents genetically. Symptoms of allergies may not emerge until later in life and can surprise you when they come out of the blue.
What else could trigger the onset of adult bee allergies? A sudden influx of allergens (such as being stung repeatedly) could cause your body to react in an allergic manner. The body's immune system can also become weaker as we age, making bee allergies an emerging concern for adults.
Signs To Watch For When Strung
Bee allergies generally cause a variety of negative reactions when you are stung, including the following serious concerns:
- Itching all over you body
- Hives and swelling in various parts of your body
- Swelling in the throat or the tongue
- Breathing difficulties
- Nausea and other stomach problems
- Dizziness and confusion
If you experience these symptoms after you've been stung by a bee, go to a doctor immediately. They can treat your reaction and keep it from getting worse. You also need to invest in emergency home-treatment tools, such as an epinephrine.
Why An Epinephrine Is A Good Investment
If you're worried that you may have developed a bee allergy after showing the symptoms above, or if you just want to be safe, an allergy epinephrine is a good investment. These items can be injected into the skin the moment you begin to suffer from an allergic reaction. They will cause the out-of-control reaction to slow down and reverse.
They are typically immediately successful, helping to prevent any more serious symptoms from developing. That said, you should still go to a doctor immediately to ensure that none of the lingering poison from the sting is pumping through your system. This poison may cause another allergic reaction when you least expect it.
There's no reason to take the risk of getting stung, though. You can simply go to an allergy expert and have them perform a bee allergy test. This will gauge your reaction to bee poison in a safe and controlled environment and give you the chance to prepare. Visit to learn more.