While there are many different types of food allergens out there, it should be known that some are a bit more common than others. Since these allergens do not all fit in the same food category, it can be very challenging for parents to protect their children from potential problems. However, when parents are aware of these most common allergens they can be more careful when introducing these foods to their children. Should an allergy arise, it can be very helpful to bring your children to an allergist or a doctors office with allergy services.


The protein found in eggs is one of the most common allergens for children. With the help of an allergist it is actually possible to determine if your child is allergic to egg whites, the egg yolk, or both. Since both parts of the egg have different proteins, someone could have an allergy to one part but not the other. 


Shellfish are not just animals that live in shells. Examples of shellfish include animals in the crustacean and mollusk families, which are things like lobster, squid, shrimp, and scallops. This allergy can flare after eating a fish in one of these categories or when in contact with the vapors from cooking these fish. Parents should avoid giving their children fish or shellfish until they are at least a year old.

Cow's Milk

Cow's milk is another common allergen in children. This is the reason for which doctors do not condone feeding a baby cow's milk until they are at least a year old. Babies who have had cow's milk before that time are more likely to develop an allergy. There are different types of proteins found in cow's milk which can cause the allergy. Each protein causing a different side effect.


It is interesting to note that a wheat protein allergy is different than Celiac's disease or a gluten intolerance. A lot of people interchange Celiac's disease with the phrase "I'm allergic to wheat", though this is false. A true wheat allergy will result in an immune response that could have serious consequences, instead of digestive problems.

In conclusion, be an aware parent when it comes to allergies. Instead of just giving your children new foods without thought, make a mental note of changes to their diet. If you must, keep a journal with the foods they have tried and reactions if any. This will help you to be alert and aware of any allergies, should they arise.
