People often think of eating disorders as conditions that cause people to eat less than needed and to lose weight. Anorexia and bulimia are quite well known, but if you often find yourself over-eating to the point of discomfort, or feeling out of control while eating large amounts, then you may have a binge eating disorder. This condition can have serious consequences, from weight gain, diabetes, to intestinal blockages. So, if you think you may have binge eating disorder, it's important for you to seek diagnosis and treatment. Here are some of the treatment protocols your doctor is likely to recommend.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a very effective form of therapy that has become common for the treatment of a binge eating disorder. The goal of the therapy is to identify what triggers you to binge and then work to change how you respond to that trigger. For example, your therapist may find that you tend to binge after you experience a tense conversation or have a stressful day at work. They can then help you sit with the stress of those situations without binging on food, but by instead engaging in a healthier behavior to dispel the stress. They may have you go running, turn on your favorite music, or even meditate. Over time, cognitive behavioral therapy will change and shape your habits and put an end to the binges.
Dietary Supervision
In the early stages of your treatment, it can be really helpful to have someone observe what you are eating. This gives them a chance to control your binges and help you break this habit when you do not yet have the skills and mental fortitude to break the habit yourself. Usually, you will spend a week or two at a live-in treatment facility where you will be observed by staff and served pre-planned meals. Once the doctors determine you have better control over your eating, they'll recommend that you return home, and you can pursue treatment on an outpatient basis.
Usually, binge eating is linked to depression. The two conditions tend to exist in a two-way relationship. Binging is a way to deal with the depression, and when a patient binges, they feel more depressed. Taking antidepressants, even if just for a few months, can help cut through this cycle and give you a sense of control again.
Binge eating may not leave patients emaciated like other eating disorders, but it is a very serious condition and one that requires professional treatment. Reach out to your doctor if you suspect you may have this or another eating disorder. Find treatment options for eating disorders today.