Hair follicle drug testing offers a longer testing window than urine or saliva drug tests. Additionally, this method of testing is much more accurate than other testing methods. Learn how you can incorporate hair drug testing in your workplace, to ensure that new hires are drug-free.
The Testing Process
Asking an applicant to submit to a urinalysis or a saliva screening can seem invasive. Some people may feel awkward, concerning the submission of a bodily fluid. With a hair follicle drug testing process, there isn't much of an inconvenience to the person who is undergoing the screening process. Hair follicles are connected to blood vessels. The blood vessels collect trace amounts of chemical substances.
Since each hair follicle is embedded deeply into the skin, any foreign substances that are present within the bloodstream will come into contact with a hair follicle. The testing process involves collecting a hair specimen and having it laboratory tested. The testing process has been studied in depth and is considered a conclusive screening method that is capable of detecting a wide range of drugs that are present in the bloodstream.
The Introduction Of Hair Follicle Testing
As an employer, it is your duty to research each of the people who will potentially be working within your business. Ensuring that your workers abstain from drugs can prevent injuries that are a direct result of being intoxicated. If you are going to be implementing a drug screening process, consider purchasing hair follicle testing supplies. A drug testing kit will contain tweezers or another device that can be used to collect hair strands. A kit will also contain collection envelopes, sterile gloves, and instructions.
A hair follicle test will require that each testee provides a few strands of hair. The hair should be clean and dry. You can guarantee that an applicant is ready for the testing process, by directing them to wash and dry their hair on the day of the test. Each person should be advised to refrain from using styling products. The absence of styling products will prevent inaccurate test results.
Each person who will be tested should be directed to put on a pair of gloves and to use a pair of tweezers or another collection aid to remove a few strands of their hair. Hair that is being plucked will not cause any discomfort. After hair strands have been retrieved, an applicant will need to place their hair into a collection envelope. You will need to drop all of the specimens off at a lab to have them tested. A company like AAVCOR has more information.