Athlete's foot makes you feel miserable because of the itching and burning that comes along with it. The condition is caused by a fungus and it is contagious. For that reason, treating athlete's foot requires a combination of eliminating the current infection and then preventing another occurrence. Here are some suggestions for treating this frustrating condition.

Keep Your Feet Dry

Fungus infections thrive in damp, warm environments like the one found inside your shoes when your socks are damp from perspiration. When you have athlete's foot, you want to keep your feet as dry as possible. You can do this by wearing sandals when you can or wear shoes that allow some ventilation to your feet. If you have to wear socks and shoes, change your socks a few times each day so they stay dry. You can also powder your feet before putting socks on. The powder absorbs moisture and keeps your feet drier.

Use Antifungal Medications

You can buy athlete's foot cream and powder over the counter at grocery stores and pharmacies. This may work for mild cases, but if your infection is severe or if the itching and burning are very bothersome, you may want to see a doctor and get prescription strength medication. The doctor might give you oral antifungal medication as well as a topical cream to apply to your feet. Be sure to use all the medication in your prescription because if you stop taking the drugs as soon as your infection clears up, the athlete's foot may come right back.

Prevent The Spread Of The Infection

You can spread your fungal infection to other people, and you can also spread it to other areas of your body. Be careful about picking at the lesions or scratching them with your bare hands. The fungus could spread to your hands and then be spread to other body parts you touch. One reason effective treatment for athlete's foot is important is because you want to stop the infection before it spreads to your toenails or fingernails. Fungal infections of the nails are much more difficult to treat than fungal infections of the skin.

Also, consider where you contracted the infection. If you use a shower at a gym or go to a public pool where people walk around barefoot, you are at risk of picking up the infection again. Guard against athlete's foot by wearing sandals or flip flops even when you shower if it's in a public place.

Taking steps to keep from getting athlete's foot is easier than fighting the infection and putting up with burning and itching for days once it develops. While you might be able to treat a mild infection with home care, if your rash covers a large area of your foot or is between your toes and making you miserable, seek medical help so your symptoms can be brought under control quickly. For more information, visit websites like
